Friday, October 18, 2013

Democrats Stay on Message

You have to hand it to the Democrats.  They do stay on message.  They do not deviate.  They are thick as thieves and tight as a tick.  They don't kill and eat their young.  They take an issue and twist it ever which way to suit their agenda and needs, then exploit it to the max with lies and demagoguery.

Whereas, the Republicans can't get their act together on anything.  When the going gets tough they split and scatter in all directions like a scared covey of quail.  They don't have the fortitude to take a stand and fight.  They quake and grovel at the feet of the Democrats.  They rush to the nearest microphone to criticize those few like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee that will take on the Democrats in a fight.  Basically, the Republicans are wimps.

What is needed in the Republican Party is a cadre of young Conservative warriors that will take on the Democrats and fight like junkyard pit bulldogs, and the likes of McCain and Graham to sit down and shut up.


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