Saturday, July 18, 2020


I have some questions that beg for an answer.  They are:

  1. Why is it Comey, Clapper, McCabe, Brenner, Rosenstein, Rice, and Strzok are all out walking around and not in jail?
  2. Why is it the good people (80%) put up with the mob (20%)?
  3. Why is it politicians, commentators, military leaders, etc. of national note speak of the Chinese Communist Party instead of the Chinese Government?  Aren’t they one and the same?
  4. Why is it we don’t lay the blame for the COVID-19 virus right at the feet of the Chinese Government and act accordingly?
  5. Why is it COVID-19 decisions made by our political leaders are based on computer models, algorithms, projections, flatten the curve, etc. instead of sound medical science and common sense?
  6. Why is it 6 feet is the safe distance for social (physical) distancing, instead of 7 or 8 or 9 feet?  What’s magic about 6 feet?
  7. Why is it some people think they’ll be safer disbanding the police?
  8. Why is it Christian leaders don’t rise up in mass to protest the willful destruction of Christian symbols and churches?  Rest assured if they were destroying mosques the Muslim leaders would be protesting loud, clear. and often.
  9. Why is it some unemployed people are getting more money as COVID-19 benefit payments than they made when working?  Why would they want to work?
  10. Why is it the sun comes up in the east and sets in the west?


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