Saturday, June 21, 2014

Government Amok

Is our government crazily running amok, or what?

Our government deploys several hundred troops to Iraq, a war zone by any measure, to serve as advisers and trainers of the Iraqi army (?), and they are denied hazardous duty pay?

Our government permits, no encourages, mass illegal immigration of Central Americans (with kids in tow) across our Southern Border and sends over $700 million to those countries as a bribe to cure the problem.  Where will that money go?   Right into the pockets of the bureaucrats in Honduras, Guatemala, and San Salvador, and the illegals will keep coming.

Texas is taking on the task at $1.5 million (Texas money) a week to control and secure the Texas southern border.

The Veterans' Administration paid out over $300 million in bonuses to  administrators, yet the VA is in chaos.

We have an IRS that targets the people begging for responsible government, yet can't produce applicable records (emails), but demands that taxpayers keep their financial records 6 years and produce them on demand.

Our government is run amok by incompetent morons, else those in charge have a Saul Alinsky plan to bring our country to its knees begging for a socialistic solution.

Its all bad news!


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